Faith Space.


I have decided to widen my Faith Space beyond the walls of my little studio. To encompass more of my everyday life including my online home of StoryboardC. and social media. After much prayer and promptings of my heart, I know this is the 'Better Part'. A calling to share what means the most to me- My Faith. It’s a big scary for me, but over the last year or so... I have so inspired by the #FaithMovement on-line. Especially on Instagram where everyday Women are sharing their Faith openly and honestly. I love seeing the community it is creating and I feel really called to be a part of that.  

As many of you have know, I have been blogging for 10+ years. At my old Blog home here, I saw some pretty awesome success at times in the Lifestyle Blog niche. Thanks to my initial hobby of scrapbooking and then sharing my childhood love of all things Mid-Century (Thanks Mad Men for making that possible). But, with the success came pressure to continually be on trend in content. I couldn't honestly keep up with it back in the day. And then something changed my focus... my Mother's illness and death. I still blogged sporadically, but lost that momentum and passion.  All the while my Faith became stronger, but on the blog it always took a quiet seat in the back. Fast forward to this last year with my own Open Heart Surgery (due to a childhood illness) at 42. I woke up to a whole new approach to faith and life. Knowing I needed to share without fear of being too Catholic-y on-line. God gave me these experiences and passions for creativity for a reason. And I needed to share it. 

And Now I am Here doing it:) It feels so right to share what awakens my heart each day. And I am ready to be more open with you as well and ask that you might share your faith with me too.

Maybe together we can choose 'The Better Part',

As they continued their journey he entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him.
She had a sister named Mary [who] sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak.
Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me."
The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.
There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.”

(Luke 10:41-42)

I don’t know if you have ever read that Bible passage. But, it has become a sort of spiritual guide each day for me. To stop busying myself with the everyday and be more like Mary... being bold and Bring Faith to all parts of my life. Taking the time to sit at Jesus's feet in Prayer and listen. Then go forth to share his Love. Even on the Internet. I know it is not a comfortable place and I might even lose long time readers because of it. But, many of you are doing it already and have opened me up to that possibility. Thank you!  Especially now when Faith today is looked upon by so many as a Weakness or even a Deterrent from Fun.  But, I know from my own experience. It is my greatest strength and a priceless gift. And I do still have fun loving and serving God:) Its a far from being a boring existence. I am sure you will agree. Actually, it’s a big, beautiful daily challenge to be the Women Christ calls us to be. We might make mistakes, say the wrong things, find ourselves impatient and judgmental. But, also we see the never ending hope God gives us while we live out our Faith authentically.  

Truly I am so glad you are here with me as I begin. Thank you for coming by, supporting and joining me. I am so excited to share our Faith Stories together:) And Please Pray for Me as I will Pray for our #FaithMovement and #ChoosingTheBetterPart. 

Love, C. 

StoryboardC. Notes:

If you are interested in Knowing more about The Better Part. Below is a talk given by Fr. John Bartunek. Father Bartunek is well-known for being one of the consulting Priests for Mel Gibson's Passion movie and the Author of my favorite Devotional aptly called, 'The Better Part' available at your local Catholic Bookstore or Amazon.  It is 48 minutes. But, once you begin watching and after the introduction.  You will love his message. P.S. Grab Tissues too or a spare Toilet Roll like I did:) It is tear inducing.