

I was gonna initially title this post yesterday Unprecedented Times (because it kind of has became my go-to phrase especially when the world started closing up shop weeks ago). But, now it just doesn’t feel right like most of everything right now.

As People are getting sicker, staying at home orders are still very much in place and the lives we once recently had seem like a strange memory.

I decided on Un-Times. Not to be confused with End times… like fear would so love to completely saturate us with right now.

Yet I totally get the fear thing. Fear as we all know can be a essential instinct to protect us. But, I personally am choosing not to subscribe wholeheartedly to it right now. Yes, I’m honoring the facts and precautions. But, damn you fear stay the fuck away from my imagination right now😂.

It’s my GOOD SPOT. As a nearly lifelong writer/documenter, my imagination has/is a integral part of me. It’s gotten me through some pretty rough times and helped me observe uniquely the uncertain life stories that have unfolded around me.

Yes, it’s uncomfortable right now to Observe a storyline that encompasses so many others in such a real life pandemic .

But, since this Temporary Life Lockdown has been in place, I have used this Un-Time space to write each day even if it’s just a sentence or a word while also taking quiet photos to calm and collect. Yet, I still have felt unnerved.

But, yesterday while on CNN, I came across THIS article and how one Photographer in quarantine is coping by sharing this…


Camilla’s words gave me permission to do what my gut was saying all along. Find Relief, not Answers in these Un-Times through Creativity.

Now while I go about my Un-Time days, like stepping out of the apt. yesterday to get essential prescriptions and listening to my Dr.’s Nurses advice over the phone an hour earlier insisting I must wear a face covering when I go outside.

I did it with major apprehension. Who wants to look like they’re robbing a convenience store? But, with only one hair tie in my apartment, you do what you gotta do and forego the great DIY of our generation and Jesse James it.

When I got home mentally exhausted from a task a month ago I would never thought twice about… The first thing I did was write one sentence, “scary times right now.”

Just Left it at that in all its simple relief. Not my greatest creative work or observation to say the least. But, just my hand scrolling across the page lifting the weight a little off my mind.

I know many of us our scared, but I truly hope you are finding EASY, uncomplicated ways to navigate through this like I am like Leaning on my creativity more than ever even it’s most basic form. Thank you for reading.

love you all very much. C.


