
“Love You.”

It’s a silly little affirmation I’ve been using over the past couple of weeks that only started out as a funny way to slow my negative inner self-talk down while I’ve been actively using my visualization practice again.

And it’s surprisingly stuck in a pretty big way as I work towards beginning some pretty hefty health priorities and other goal getting agendas for this month

So, I thought this little self-love term of endearment would be a perfect post title to kick off February’s Blogging extravaganza.of 9 posts 😂 and my other 2020 Goal Getting mini steps for this month.

So, heres this Feb.’s low down:


This months all about implementing one good ol’habit again that I’ve been Horrible about…WATER. So Far so good.

Also experimenting with a NEW way of eating: Keto. I know it’s all the rage/trend right now, but it seems like a perfect fit for me and many others. I will feature the current book I’m reading later this month and my honest thoughts on this eating lifestyle.


I’m so excited for this month in the Blogging Department. I’ve decided to experiment with some fun topics and share the love of some old ones too. I hope you will be as excited as I am 😂.

I’m also totally digging after 14+ years of blogging, finally finding a blog formula for creating that really works and gets posts done with fun😊.


Bold Moves are happening especially in the work dept. I’ve stopped looking at myself as just a reusable resource and speaking up when I need some self-care time or just quiet time watching of, The Curse of Oak Island 😜. It’s definitely my dirty-nerdy little visual pleasure. But, for the love of God after 7 seasons of stringing me along. I hope they find the “vast” treasure soon.

Now with all that named, claimed and written down stuff for this months actions. I’m accountable 😊 and ready to get going for February ♥️. How about you?

Seriously Thank You so much for being so supportive of my goal getting journey thus far and all the kind words over on Instagram. I’m so grateful and also Love You too 😊🥰♥️.

Cynthia @storyboardC.