Grace Kelly. Round Hill, Jamaica. 1955. Howell Conant.

Grace Kelly. Round Hill, Jamaica. 1955. Howell Conant.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this… more than I probably should during this Covid-19 lockdown. But, as a nearly lifelong emotional eater. Obsessing over food is a pretty common occurrence.

So, instead of obsessing I’ve decided to do a observational check-in approach to see how I’m eating right now.

One thing I’ve learned over the years when it comes to Emotional Eating is reflection helps. Just for the awareness sake for sure.

So, here is the Questions I often ask myself:

Grace Kelly. Round Hill, Jamaica. 1955. Howell Conant.

Grace Kelly. Round Hill, Jamaica. 1955. Howell Conant.

What kind of eater are you?


Currently am enjoying that I’m Meal Planning more and Home cooking is a part of my daily routine. I would like to see this habit stick around as in my new normal when lockdown is over.


Yes, more then the old usual of eating whenever I have a chance with my hectic schedule in the last 6 months. I’m consciously am buying fruit that I like and attempting to add a vegetable to most meals. I’m just not adventuresome eater. But, this is definitely something that I can improve more on and I’d really like to figure out when a Avocado is ripe and ready:)


Yes, Yes, Yes. This is where my honesty is the best policy comes in. I’ve been emotionally eater most of my life and like many of us our right now or that boredom factor too. I feel like I’m living to eat instead of eating to live.

I have a lot of guilt about this and see it has reappeared again long before the lockdown. This is where doing this check-in helps me to be more aware of how food can be great comfort for me. Is it Ok right now? For sure. Is the the healthy choice? Probably not. But, I’m trying to be gentle with myself in these answers.


I just added this new question because I know a lot of people practice this. I’m still on the fence about it and need to do more research on this eating topic. If you know some good resources definitely share them in the comments below.

Morning or Night-time?

I’ve never been a morning eater. It just doesn’t sit well. Over the years I’ve done protein shakes. But, the last 8 months with a new relationship and new routines. I’ve gotten less regimented with my daily shakes. I’m getting better now with the lockdown again and my body seems to like it.

Night-time is a huge trouble spot for me lately with the re-entry of TV into my life over the winter. TV+Time = Binge eating. Sugary snacks, Nachos for supper as of late. Especially when I’m at home by myself. As much as I love this little luxury again. It has brought back some old habits that don’t serve my body well.

Feast or Famine?

Feasting definitely. It’s a free for all right now. Allowing myself to participate despite the mental backlash.

fast or Slow?

Fast always. Thanks Dad for teaching me that😂.


Well, that wasn’t so bad. A mental reset in some ways, to not admonish myself. But, to realize I’m doing the best I can right now in a time that is so uncertain. Old habits of coping will show up and a awareness gives me a little hope to know that this is not a permanent state of existence.

Things will change and so will my coping as we all unravel this time in our lives later on. But, for now I’m ok sitting in this space and allowing myself to observe. Maybe, some answers will show up.

Love, C.