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On the Mat. Day 1-5. 📷: StoryboardC.

On the Mat. Day 1-5. 📷: StoryboardC.

Here’s my first five practice notes of Home-A 30 Day Yoga Journey. It’s not been perfect for damn sure:) and I’m totally OK with that. I’be modified to fit my needs and realized how much this is just Not about the ‘moving part’, but the Showing up and being Open.



Day 1. Recognize.

Taking some time before going to the mat with my pen and paper to Recognize where I’m currently at in my Health Journey.

I’m definitely feel off centered right now. Not feeling as good as I could. Disappointed with putting self-care secondary for the last 5 months due to some good and challenging changes in my life. But, I showed up. Modified to fit my current HOME body.

Noticed the current pain in my left wrist and was mindful of being gentle.

It was also so good to be reunited with Adriene,Benjii:) and my beloved Austin, Texas in my home practice even though it’s via YouTube:)

Day 2. Intend.

“Cultivate a relationship with Intention and learn to let it Guide your way.” -Adriene

Last year while on my first 30- day Yoga Journey with Adriene. I found my One Little Word: SPACE. This year INTEND has showed up in surprising coincidences:)

I Intend on keep showing up and reminding myself this is not a sprint, but a marathon. Each day matters even if I modify the poses heck and back to fit my Body’s needs.

My wrist pain has diminished. I also slept so much better the first night and noticed my mood is beginning to rise too. Bonus wins indeed.

Day 3. Awaken.

Awakening is a process.

I love Adriene’s daily Love notes during this 30 Day Yoga Journey. This one really helped to gently remind me that it’s ok to be sore and go along at your own pace and process.

I took a day off in between. Yes, these first days might be easy to some, but for me I’m a novice again. I’m also here to call the shots on the mat and in life and to Find What Feels Good again.

Day 4. Activate.


I finally showed up after another couple of days of crazy schedules and some heavy relationship challenges.

Everyone else is at Day 7 now. I was so disappointed in myself for allowing myself to be pulled in so many ways and not sticking to my guns. I’m so very frustrated with many things right now and it definitely spilled over in my practice today.

It was so hard to Activate. But, once I did… my Breathe finally calmed down my reactive brain. This day on the Mat definitely reminded me this is My Journey, Not anyone else’s.

Adriene also brought up Distraction today. It sunk in with each breath, I acknowledged my self care needs and realized that distraction can be avoidance.

Day 5. Soften.

Softening my expectations of myself and others when things are hard. Doing the best I can with my current circumstances.

I’m having a hard time right now with a loved one and hiding the disappointment of my health goals. Such a good reminder today to soften, acknowledge and Breathe through the hard times.

After these Five days of Home-30 Day Yoga Journey. I feel a bit vulnerable, cracked Open. But, More in tune with my Body’s needs again. If your interested in joining me and many other lovely souls. It’s never too late:) HERE.

♥️ Cynthia @storyboardc.

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Home-A 30 Day Yoga Journey. Yoga with Adriene. #ywahome

Home-A 30 Day Yoga Journey. Yoga with Adriene. #ywahome

Preparing for this Years HOME- A 30 day Yoga Journey with a Adriene. While watching the Welcome Video earlier this week, the meaning of HOME sat in my soul. Reminding me its not so much a place, but the People we love. I learned this from my Momma as a child, who was also my first Home too ♥️😊:

“My Mother was my first country, the first place i ever lived.”

-Nayyirah Waheed

As a family moving around for my Fathers job. From house to house, Cities to States. My Mother always shared with each bittersweet good-bye to friends and homes that I loved that true HOME was where WE were and we always had each other.

Then with my Mother’s passing in 2012. I had to painfully redefine my meaning of HOME. To the loved ones I still had and new ones that came along. But, most importantly Myself.

It’s been hard lesson and still is. I still have a lingering disconnect that’s been difficult to heal. But, I keep pushing forward and last years, Dedicate- 30 day Yoga journey with Adriene was the first time I felt some connection to Myself again.


I’m excited to reconnect with my HOME Body. Move it in ways that strengthen it. Stretch it out. Create a comfort zone again. And most importantly Love it more.

I’m excited to share this Home Journey with you. Last year I did daily blog posts, but this year I decided to write my observations in a notebook instead and then do a recap every Fifth day of the 30 days using the calendar that Adriene provides.

Tomorrow is a new year and even a New Decade- Roaring 20’s 2.0 😊 here we come! By the time you read this I will be 2 days into this practice that hopefully will open me up brighter on my own little journey into 2020.

I would love for you to join me HERE. If I can do it anyone can. It’s not about perfection or expert status. It’s about showing up to finding what feels good.

♥️ Cynthia @storyboardc.

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