
Well, Hello. It’s Day 5 of the Better Body Love Challenge and we’re at the Half-way Mark:) Whoot. Whoot. How are you feeling today? I know I’m excited to Jump into Wellness.

But, first I’m so excited about the progress I’ve made in peeling back the layers these past 5 days. It’s revealed so much. It was a emotional, digging deep kind of excavator ride for sure and I’m beyond grateful that I’ve done it. It’s been so transforming in such a short time. Now allowing me to create a Wellness Lifestyle plan that I’ve been craving for that encompasses not only my Physical body, but my Mental Health.

I would highly recommend to head over to @AshleyRoseReeves IG Stories Highlight Reel now to watch if you haven’t yet to Unpack the topic of Wellness and maybe create your own plan.


Yesterday with my Boyfriend we social distanced our way to a local State Park and went Hiking. It was just amazing out and like many of you. I needed this outing so so much. My mental health, namely anxiety has been through the roof lately. Honestly pretty paralyzing like it had been in my early 20’s.

As we descended the bluff’s trail down to the beach and river. I had second thoughts… holy crap I’m gonna have to climb back up:) But, I did it anyway. Why ruin a good moment with fear:)

Once down at the Rivers Edge resting. Breathing in the air and soaking up that glorious sun. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to listen to the little waves and rustling of trees with there new leaves. It was magical and then I thought about my Wellness Plan from a place of Peace:)


Ashley’s BBL Wellness plan is Overall. Physical (Sleep, Movement, Food & Water), Mental (Mindful Practices) and Spirit (Meditation and or Prayer). It should come always from a place of LOVE not Shame, or Guilt, Punishment and Appearance Based.



Sleep for me is a big thing for my physical and mental health. It has been since I was a Kid and Currently it’s actually at a awesome place right now.

8 hours and early rising. Just like I love it. But, I’m fully aware once I go back to my old schedule of Retail. I will really need to keep it as a focus. Advocate for more Work/Life Balance.


I actually love exercise and it’s overall benefits. Over the years before BBL challenge I’ve learned a healthy balance of finding what you love vs. just doing it for weight loss results.

I love Walking never Running unless someone is chasing me:) I also adore Swimming and Biking.

Now especially after my Open Heart surgery I realize what a privilege it is too enjoy it again. Currently walking is my jam and focusing on integrating it regularly into my daily routine again.

Food & Water:

Like Ashley mentions in her own creating of a Wellness Plan, Food is a Personal Choice customized to your own needs. She doesn’t usually share it with others. This was a big sigh of relief ah-ha moment for me. I completely agree! What Food Choices Work for You, might not Work for me.

I have Type-2 Diabetes and Losing Weight is something that I discuss with my Dr. and Nutritionist. It is a part of my Wellness Plan. I have learned it has nothing to do with appearance, but about creating the healthiest body I can.

I have my BBL journal ready with a Wellness Plan I will be sharing with them and any modifications I need to make with Medications and Lifestyle at my next appointments.

Now for H2O. I love water. I feel good and pee a lot when I drink it;) I’m finding my water drinking rhythm again while at home. Loving that and will definitely be making it a priority when back at work.


Mental Health is Huge for me. In the past few years since my surgery. I’ve had to overcome some new hurdles and learned that my Mental Health is the key to everything else falling into a better place. We as a Culture our also getting better at this especially when comes to Body Acceptance. We still have a ways to go with Diet Culture, but it starts with us making Mental Health the Catalyst towards lasting change.

My Wellness Plan is pretty cemented in mindful practices. Writing, Reading, and creating a overall safe place in my head for acceptance and growth. But, also the BBL METHOD has really made me realize this amazing work is only beginning:)


After Leaving my Spiritual “Hometown” of Catholicism nearly 2 years ago, I felt a freeing of Guilt on sa many levels that has spilled over into my Journey of Better Body Love. I still practice a Christ-Centered Faith and truly believe our time here on this Earth has a infinite purpose and bodies are a big part of that.

My Wellness plan does consist of Prayer, Meditation and Visualization.

Prayer to be open to divine guidance on making the best decision for my overall health.

Meditation to slow my mental roll down.

Visualization to reframe toxic thoughts and replace them with Best Version Scenarios.

I hope this overview of my Current Wellness Plan Helps you create your own. I look forward to it evolving and changing with my Needs and Joy. I do want to quickly say that Your Wellness is Your Journey! and if it involves things that promote Love then there is no wrong answer ♥️.

See you back here tomorrow for Day 6 😊.


PS: I did actually enjoy my walk back up the Bluff and all the breaks I took:)


